Getting Started with Myopia Control

What does Myopia Management do and who would need it?

Myopia Management is a treatment plan designed specifically for your child to slow or even stop myopia from getting worse. We design a specific plan which works best for your child based on age, amount of myopia, parent's prescription and what maximizes our potential of stopping myopia changes.

It may include:

  • atropine eye drops to slow myopic eye growth
  • overnight retainer lenses (similar to braces and retainers for teeth), which reshape the cornea overnight cancelling the need for glasses during the day
  • soft multifocal contact lenses worn only during the day
  • in some cases, a combination of two therapies listed above

What are the signs that I or my child need this treatment?

Typical symptoms that would show the need for treatment are:

  1. Worsening prescription
  2. Active in Sports
  3. Tired or Dry eyes when wearing daily contact lenses
  4. Doesn't want to wear glasses anymore
  5. Parents who are nearsightedness

What is the treatment like, what’s used, and how long does it take?

Our certified doctors will manage each patient's myopia based on the modality that works best for them. Every case is very unique and depending on the treatment modality selected, our Warm Springs Optometric Group eye doctors will create a customized treatment plan for each patient.

For atropine eye drops, a specific dose and regimen will be prescribed depending on conditions like the degree of myopia and effectiveness of the drops in slowing down myopia. Under this treatment, the patient will continue to wear their glasses during the day.

The overnight lenses are made of highly oxygen permeable material that is safe for wearing while sleeping. Our doctors will design a highly custom contact lens specifically for your child's eyes. The lens is worn at night while sleeping and cleaned in the morning with an approved cleaning solution recommended by your optometrist. The correction will last for the entire day without the need to wear contact lenses or glasses. The lens will be inserted on the eye again each night just before going to sleep.

Soft multifocal contact lenses are ordered specifically to the patient's prescription, corneal shape and visual acuity. The lens is worn during the day and taken out before sleeping and doing activities involving water. This contact lenses modality will provide clear vision during the day time.

Is myopia management options a lot more expensive than average contact lenses? Is it covered by medical insurance?

Our unique program allows us to manage myopia effectively by switching between modalities to minimize myopic elongation as needed. This allows our optometrists to recommend the right treatment without additional costs to the patient, unlike most conventional offices.

At this time the program fee is not covered by insurance. In some cases, contact lens material benefits offered by some vision insurances may be used towards the purchase of the contact lenses. Our Fremont office does offer payment options, including CareCredit. The cost of this initial process can sometimes feel expensive but in the long run it can become much cheaper than wearing glasses or regular disposable lenses and most certainly cheaper than having medical complications occur due to high myopia in the future.

How do I learn more or get started with Myopia Management?

Our office can provide Myopia Management information at the time of your next eye exam. To determine if your child is a candidate for this revolutionary procedure, a thorough consultation is scheduled. Our Optometrists realized they could help fill this need for specialty contact lenses in Fremont. Our Optometrists are experts in contact lenses and has had great success helping patients control their myopia. Call today for your appointment to find out more about Myopia Management!