How to Manage Myopia

Over 2.6 billion people worldwide are living with myopia. Myopia is nearsightedness, which makes it difficult to see things that are far away. Those with myopia can see objects clearly if they are close.

While myopia itself is not a dangerous condition, if left to progress, myopia can increase the risk of developing sight threatening eye conditions, like retinal detachments. Myopia can make daily activities very difficult. Getting routine eye exams is important in determining if you have myopia or other refractive errors that affect your vision. At Warm Spring Optometric Group in Fremont, CA, we can diagnose your myopia. We offer several options to help improve your vision.

While corrective eyewear is the most common option for helping with refractive errors, they do not help slow down the progression of myopia. Eyeglasses or contacts come with a specific prescription that allow you to see clearly, but will not help prevent slowing or stopping the prescription from increasing.

At Warm Springs Optometric Group, we offer all options available for myopia management to help your child see better today and reduce their risk of sight threatening eye conditions in the future.

Atropine Eye Drops

Atropine eye drops have been used for a long time as dilation drops during eye exams. Research has found atropine eye drops help slow or stop the progression of myopia in children nearsightedness. Patients will still need corrective eyewear such as glasses while on treatment.


This is the use of specially designed contact lenses that are worn at night to reshape your cornea. They effectively reduce the progression of myopia. Once you remove the contacts in the morning, you can see clearly without corrective eyewear. The contacts must be worn every night to be effective. Patients who are fit with orthokeratology lenses do not need glasses while they are being treated.

Soft Multifocal Contact Lenses

Unlike the orthokeratology lenses that are worn at night while sleeping, soft multifocal contact lenses are worn during the day time and removed while sleeping. They are specifically designed to slow down the progression of nearsightedness. These contact lenses allow the patient to see well while they are on the eye and can switch between glasses and contacts as needed.

Visit Our Optometrists

In many cases, patients do not know that they have myopia. A regular eye exam can diagnose the condition early. At Warm Springs Optometric Group in Fremont, CA, we will find a treatment plan to manage your myopia. Call us today to schedule an appointment.