Back To School Glasses

Put Glasses on Your Back to School Checklist

This is the time of year that parents flock to back to school sales for pens, pencils, backpacks, laptops, and clothes. It's also the time of year to schedule an appointment with Warm Springs Optometric Group in Fremont, CA, to make sure your child has the vision correction needed for success in the new school year.

Academic Success

Children who have good vision get better grades. The sooner vision problems are detected and corrected the easier it will be for your children to keep up at school, realizing their full academic potential. If your child needs glasses to see properly, glasses are just as essential for back to school as pencils, paper, and a backpack.

Building Distance Vision

The more time that children have to spend indoors, the more likely they are to develop nearsightedness and need glasses. The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced outdoor playtime. Many vision experts recommend at least an hour a day outdoors to help growing eyes get used to distance vision. When that isn't possible, vision correction and regular vision monitoring are necessary to make sure your children have the visual acuity necessary to see the whiteboard at the front of the classroom, to participate in sports, and to enjoy the world around them. Especially if you didn't make your appointments last year, a new eye exam is critical.

A Great Time for a New Look

Glasses aren't all about vision correction. For both children and teens, glasses are also a fashion statement. Your glasses are part of who you are and how other people relate to you. Back to school is a great time to reinvent your look for a new school year, whether you are a student or a teacher.

Back to School Eye Care in Fremont, CA

Right now is the best time to schedule your child's appointment for back to school glasses! Warm Springs Optometric Group offers Saturday appointments for your convenience. Contact us online to schedule an appointment or call us today at (510) 490-0287.