Sports Vision FAQs

Sports Vision FAQs

One of the aspects of vision that our optometrists specialize in at Warm Springs Optometric Group in Fremont is sports vision. Sports vision plays an important role when playing fast-paced games, which can involve a ball or another object moving quickly between players over a long distance.

What Is Sports Vision?

The term "sports vision" refers to the visual capability that athletes require to perform well at their chosen sport. Sports vision can also include the tools and methods that elevate that vision and performance to the next level.

How Can Eye Care Help Sports Vision?

Athletes might not think of optometry as the first line of defense when it comes to performing well on the court or field, but it can play a crucial role. Our optometrist can provide eye exams to determine if glasses or contacts are necessary. We can ensure that the athlete is outfitted with well-fitting contacts that will work with any headgear that is worn during the activity. Athletes can also have their contrast sensitivity, visual processing speed, depth perception, visual acuity, ocular alignment, and eye dominance tested, which may have a positive effect on performance.

In some cases, it might be appropriate to suggest tinted contact lenses, and teen athletes may be recommended vitamins to promote overall eye health.

Do You Need to Worry About Sports Vision If You Have 20/20 Vision?

Although you may have 20/20 vision on a standard exam, your eyes may have other issues that could be disadvantageous to your sports vision. Furthermore, you might benefit from a specialized type of contact lens, as is the case with athletes who wear tinted or even transition contact lenses. Our optometrist can recommend the best course of action after examining your eyes and discussing your needs. An exam is necessary to determine if you need a custom treatment plan.

Schedule an Appointment Today

We're proud to offer a range of services at our optometry office in Fremont. Call Warm Springs Optometric Group at (510) 490-0287 to schedule an appointment today if you have any concerns about sports vision.