Early Signs of Glaucoma

Early Signs of Glaucoma

Glaucoma encompasses several types of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve in the eyes. It can be caused from high pressure in the eye and it is the leading cause of blindness in people over 60 years old. We are experts in glaucoma treatment at Warm Springs Optometric Group in Fremont. Continue reading to learn more about glaucoma and how you can prevent/treat it.

What are Early Signs of Glaucoma?

The signs and symptoms vary greatly depending on the type of glaucoma and the stage of it. Open angle glaucoma may cause you to see patchy blind spots in your peripheral or central vision and is frequently in both eyes. In the advanced stages you may experience tunnel vision, where you can only see directly forward in the center of your eye.

Acute angle closure glaucoma can cause severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, eye pain, blurred vision, halos around lights and redness of your eyes. An optometrist can notice glaucoma through routine eye exams to result in keeping your vision. Early detection by a doctor of optometry is the key to preserving your sight.

What Causes Glaucoma?

Abnormally high pressure in the eye is what causes glaucoma. This can be attributed to the fluid buildup of the normal fluid levels that flow throughout the inside of your eye. This fluid normally drains out of a tissue where the iris and cornea meet, however when fluid is overproduced or not draining properly, a buildup of pressure will result. Glaucoma can be a hereditary conditions and seen in several family members. An optometrist does a simple pressure test to check your eye pressure.

What are Risk Factors of Glaucoma?

Several factors can predispose you to getting glaucoma, such as hereditary, being over age 60, being Asian, Hispanic or black, having diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, thin centers of the cornea, being extremely nearsighted or extremely farsighted and eye injuries. These are important factors for your doctor of optometry to know about.

Trust the Professional Optometrists in Fremont

Our medical team at Warm Springs Optometric Group is very experienced in treating glaucoma. You may only need to use some eye drops in order to relieve the pressure in your eyes and keep the conditions from getting any worse. If you are worried about glaucoma, please call us for an appointment today. We are looking forward to helping you and your family.