Lazy Eye

Lazy Eye Treatment

Lazy eye, which is also known as amblyopia, is a condition that develops during early childhood. It occurs when a child’s eyesight doesn’t develop as it should in one of their eyes. If this condition occurs, it will typically be diagnosed by an eye doctor. If a parent in the Fremont area suspects an eye issue, they should reach out to the team at Warm Springs Optometric Group to find out if there really is a problem. Lazy eye treatment is usually more effective in younger children. After a child reaches the age of eight, the possibility of vision improvement will drop significantly, but treatment may still be effective.

Treating the Underlying Eye Issue

There are several ways to treat the underlying eye issue of amblyopia. For example, glasses may be beneficial. It may also be necessary to invest in cataract surgery or to correct a droopy eyelid if that is determined to be the issue. However, this may not always be effective alone, which means that other treatments may be needed.

Helping the Lazy Eye Work Properly

After the vision has been corrected and the underlying medical issues are addressed, there are additional actions that may be taken to improve a person’s vision. One option is to use a patch, which is called occlusion. This is put over your good eye so that the lazy eye must work properly. Some other options that may be considered by your eye doctor include atropine eye drops, vision exercises, or surgery if none of the other treatment options are effective.

Your Local Fremont Eye Doctor

Working with a doctor who fully understands the lazy eye condition is key when you are seeking eye care treatment in Fremont. For more information or to schedule an appointment with the eye doctors at Warm Springs Optometric Group in Fremont, call us at 510-490-0287.