Dry Eye

10 Tips For Dealing With Dry Eye This Winter

As autumn turns to winter, windows close, heaters come on, humidity drops and, for those who suffer from Dry Eye that irritating discomfort only gets worse. Here at Warm Springs Optometric Group, your optometry office in Fremont, we understand the extent that dry eye can disrupt your life, and we are ready to help.

Our eyes are constantly bathed with refreshing tears. When your experiencing dry eye our tears can no longer do their job. This can be due to a decrease in our production of tears or the eye is still producing tears but the quality of these tears is no longer adequate to protect and cleanse our eyes. Either way, the result is tired, irritated red itchy eyes and these symptoms worsen in dry windy weather.

Your optometrist will perform a comprehensive eye examination including a discussion of any symptoms you may be experiencing. But until you get to that appointment, there are steps you can take to relieve your discomfort.

  • Protect your eyes outdoors. Wear sunglasses, a visor, activity-specific goggles- anything to shield your eyes from dust, grit and painful reflective glare.
  • Use over-the-counter moisturizing eye drops. While not a permanent fix, these should ease your discomfort until you get to the eye doctor.
  • Use a humidifier indoors to keep your work/living space comfortable. Your skin and houseplants will thank you too.
  • Drink water! Remaining hydrated will benefit tear production
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine. Both are diuretics and dehydration worsen your discomfort
  • Take breaks when working on computers. We blink much less when we are using electronic devices. Take frequent breaks and look away.
  • Don’t rub your eyes. Scrubbing at tired irritated eyes increases your chance of injury.
  • Don’t sit directly in front of vents, fireplaces or space heaters.
  • If you use warm damp compresses for relief, use a different compress for each eye decreasing your risk of infection.
  • Hairdryers are for hair- not faces.

If you suffer from dry eye, call us at Warm Springs Optometric Group for an appointment today. We are here to help! 510-490-0287