What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

Wearing contacts have many benefits, including being convenient for athletes when playing a sport, giving a more natural appearance, and causing fewer obstructions with your vision. If you are thinking about transitioning from glasses to contacts, what better place to have a contact lens fitting than at Warms Springs Optometric Group in Fremont, California. Here is a bit of information about what to expect during your contact lens fitting.

Contact Lens Exam

Your optometrist will first conduct a comprehensive exam that will test your visual acuity as well as determine your eye health. Based on the information gathered, your eye doctor will take measurements of your cornea, iris, and pupil. Once we have all the information, we can discuss your contact lens options. If you have an eye condition that won’t allow you to have soft contacts, your optometrist can go over with you about our hard-to-fit lenses.

Contact Lens Teaching

After selecting the contact lenses best for you, your optometrist will give you a pair of trial contacts. During this time, we will teach you how to insert the lenses, how to remove them, and how to care for them properly.

Follow-Up Visit

A week or two after wearing your contacts, you will come back to our office for a follow-up visit. During this visit, we will check to make sure that your prescription is correct and that the contacts are comfortable. If you are having any issues, we can make the necessary adjustments. If everything is working out fine, we can order your supply of contacts.

If you are thinking about getting contacts, contact Warm Springs Optometric Group in Fremont, California to schedule a contact lens fitting. Give us a call today at 510-490-0287.