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Warm Springs Optometric Group Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Early Signs of Glaucoma

Do you know the signs of Glaucoma? Though some face a higher risk of developing glaucoma than others, anyone can suffer from the condition. At Warm Springs Optometric Group, our

How to Manage Myopia

Over 2.6 billion people worldwide are living with myopia. Myopia is nearsightedness, which makes it difficult to see things that are far away. Those with myopia can see objects clearly

5 Facts About Myopia You Probably Didn’t Know

As time goes on, chances are you probably know someone who has myopia - whether your child, a friend, family member or yourself. But how much do you really know

Why Vision Therapy is important

Quality Vision Therapy from Our Optometrists Sometimes, we all need a little support. Glasses and contacts can improve your vision, but vision therapy seeks to support your overall eye health. Vision

Does Myopia Get Worse With Age?

Many parents who come into our practices consider their children’s myopia as a simple vision problem that needs correction. Each time the child needs a higher prescription, they just “fix”

When to See an Optometrist

When to See an Optometrist Good health extends to every part of your body and keeping your eyes healthy requires you to have a regular eye exam schedule. A visit to

What is a toric contact lens?

How Toric Contact Lenses Can Help Astigmatism is a condition that causes a spherical curvature deviation in the eye's lens, preventing light rays from meeting at a common focus creating a

What To Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting If this is your first contact lens fitting, know that you are in good hands with us at the Warm Springs Optometric Group

Has COVID-19 Impacted Your Child’s Eyes?

Is your child squinting more than usual? Is she or he having difficulty reading or seeing distant objects, even if they already wear glasses or have recently had an eye

Are Myopia Management Contact Lenses Safe for Children?

We meet dozens of parents and children every day who come in for eye exams, myopia treatments and other services. During these visits, we welcome and address questions or concerns